She was adopted when she was four. Her life has been full of peaks and valleys. She is homeschooling her son to keep him on the right path. Her...
She was adopted when she was four. Her life has been full of peaks and valleys. She is homeschooling her son to keep him on the right path. Her...
If you know Hugh Hewitt, you know. If you don’t know Hugh Hewitt, you may want to settle in and get familiar with one of the most influential radio...
The great Al Michaels, who has seen it all in life and sports, dishes some new secrets to Michele. #Can’tMiss
Jazz Shaw writes for He joins Michele to talk about Joe Biden’s re-election campaign, why the President should take a cognitive test, and...
Michele peruses today’s headlines, including: “Nikki Haley Gets Real on Abortion,” “School District to Ax Music Classes for Pushing, ‘White...
Xi Van Fleet survived Mao’s Cultural Revolution in China. She came to America by choice. And now, she tells Michele, she is seeing a similar...
In her book, “Feminism Against Progress,” author Mary Harrington posits, “Progress has now stopped benefiting the majority of women, and only a...